About Greenery Financial
GreeneryFinancial is an online information website that attempts to aide newbie financial enthusiasts and seasoned veterans alike make money more efficiently, save more money on their everyday spend, and invest in a way that benefits them in the long-term.
Our purpose in creating this website is to answer the ever so common questions regarding basic financial principles, as well as to provide a reliable source for people to turn to when they’re not quite sure about something related to finance, be it which brokerage would be the best choice for you to invest through, or what’s truly the right side-hustle for you to pursue to make some extra income or even retire early.
We hope to be a useful resource for those new to finance and wealth management and seasoned veterans alike. We intend to keep this resource up to date however if you believe there is a mistake regarding a specific brokerage or product, or simply disagree with our assessment, then please contact us.
What Makes Greenery Financial Different?
We aren’t a typical financial site owned by a large multi-million dollar corporation with dozens or hundreds of employees — instead we’re a modest start-up created with the intent to provide financial education on topics that often those large money-seeking companies are not interested in covering.
We primarily focus on serving countries that have less financial infrastructure and resources as we believe, after traveling to many developing countries such as Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, the Philippines, Egypt, Nigeria, and many others, that one of the critical things needed to uplift people out of their situation is genuine helpful honest education.
Everything published is always done so only after vetting by locals we grew to know in our travels to these countries, and rankings are dictated based on a combination of their personal experiences and knowledge, as well as our personal investigations — which always includes financial analysis of the companies that may be mentioned by us and hands-on experience with the companies we cover.
When using our site you can rest assured that what we say is what we believe — sometimes this may mean telling the straight-up truth that a popular company or app is horrible and a waste of time or can’t be trusted in our opinion. We don’t intend to mislead people or sugar-coat things — We personally know how frustrating it is to deal with “money making methods” that simply are scams and dealing with corrupt businesses that screw you over, so we’ll never promote such garbage no matter how much they offer to pay us to change what we say about them.
Where Are We Located?
This question is a bit complicated to answer as some of us at Greenery Financial live as full-time nomads, while others live in the USA, the UK, or the Philipines. We have offices at the following address though, where you can mail packages to us:
Office 1886 321-323 High Road, Chadwell Health RM6 6AX
Once there we’ll either stop by personally and pick it up on our next day at the office, or we’ll get it shipped out to us abroad if none of us are currently in the UK.
About Zachary Greene, Founder of Greenery Financial

Hello everybody,
You might not know me already, but that’s okay — I’m the founder of this site, Greenery Financial, and the primary writer and editor of the articles on the site. I started this site back in 2019 after achieving financial independence from other online businesses I created in the previous few years along with diligent saving and investing.
Finance was always something I was into — I started out speculating in video game economies at 8 years old while saving diligently, eventually transitioning to Stocks & Crypto at 12, and with a brief hiatus have been living and breathing finance for the last decade or so, engaging in little else than studying and engaging in markets, as well as a few business ventures.
My Story & Why Greenery Financial
I grew up in extreme poverty in the USA having sewage backup into our home on weekly basis, constant money-troubles in the family, always living on the edge throughout my childhood — life was not too good.
Such a life led me to resenting my father (for a variety of reasons) and his horrible financial decisions — from buying a new car fresh off the lot despite us living in poverty and the payment being completely unaffordable to him choosing to ‘invest’ in sports cards and collectables rather than a decent standard of living for his family, a house or apartment for the future, or any financial asset at all for that matter.
His decisions were always the worst when it came to finances, and he taught me well as a result — I knew precisely what not to do when I grew up.
My Financial Life
I started out at 8-9 years old speculating in video game economies (Runescape, World of Warcraft) and became one of the richest traders in the games, earning enough in-game currency to sell for thousands of dollars — this introduced me to many real-life trading and investing communities.
Throughout my early teenage years I learned about investing, tried mining bitcoin (back in 2010/2011) and failed, paper traded stocks and pitched stock ideas to distant family members (and was ignored), and ultimately tried to buy bitcoin way back in the day with my entire life savings — and got scammed by my parents who simply took what I had saved.
In my later teen years I started paper trading more seriously, studying the markets many hours a day and engaging with communities consistently, learned more about personal finance, saving money, credit scores, etc, before finally becoming an adult and putting it all into action.
The following years were rough with lots of family issues that messed with my mindset, having a fantastic 2017 with cryptocurrencies to losing most of it due to family issues and apathy on my part as a result, to getting back on the right track after leaving the USA, only to be skinned alive over one bad trade placed at the worst time I could have and losing almost everything I had in a matter of days.
In that time I left the USA and started a couple six-figure online businesses while traveling the world, achieving financial independence (lean-FIRE) at the ripe age of 21, ultimately leading me to…
Why I Created Greenery Financial
Greenery Financial was always the next chapter in my life, planned from the very start since I started my initial online businesses and left the USA to become one of those famed ‘digital nomads’ you’ve likely heard about before.
I’m way too young to retire, financially independent or not, and I’m extremely passionate about finance — living and breathing it the majority of the day most days, always checking in on markets, community-sentiment, trying out new platforms, and researching new industries.
The original businesses were always a stepping stone, to give me financial independence, to let me achieve my larger goals — one of which is providing a different perspective and actually helpful content regarding finance, as too much of the finance space is just people looking to make money off those who visit their website or subscribe to their YouTube channel, or large websites producing generic content that doesn’t help human beings who just want to educate their self.
Now that I’m financially independent, I can finally dedicate my time to one of my biggest passions and one of my biggest hobby’s by creating Greenery Financial and putting the hours of research I’ve done for myself into content that anybody can benefit from — and without having to worry about how to make money from it, thanks to my previous businesses.